Natasha Zaretsky received her Ph.D. in anthropology from Princeton University, focusing her research on the aftermath of political violence and genocide in Argentina, specifically the social movements and human rights groups formed to advocate for memory and justice.  Her broader research interests include the role of memory and truth in rebuilding communities and nations in the Americas, and the impact of genocide and human rights on diaspora communities. She is currently a Clinical Associate Professor at New York University and a Visiting Scholar at the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University, where she leads the Truth in the Americas project.  Her latest book is Acts of Repair: Justice, Truth, and the Politics of Memory in Argentina (Rutgers University Press 2021). Other research interests include undocumented migrants in the US and the post-Soviet Jewish diaspora.  In addition to her writing, she has two documentary films - Los Ojos de Victor (co-directed with Gisela Insuaste, about public art in contemporary Cuba) and 1000 Mondays (about the politics of memory in Argentina).